New on Substack – Limitations of Genetic Ethnicity Estimates

I’ve written before about lowering expectations for genetic genealogy, particularly in the context of ethnicity estimates. In the Lineage Research space at Quora, a lot of questions are asked about why certain ‘known’ ancestries don’t show up in DNA test results. Amidst this confusion, I feel that this topic certainly hasn’t yet been exhausted and compelled to address it once again.

Read about the limitations of genetic genealogy on Substack.

New on Ko-Fi – Genealogy

This month’s subscriber-only post in GenTales on Substack provides info on one pairing that causes pedigree collapse in My Lineage from the Roots Up, vol. 2. William Musick Prater was born about 1787 in Russell Co., Virginia, to Jonathan Prater and Sarah Elizabeth (Musick) Prater. Obedience “Biddy” Prater was born about 1790-1794 in Virginia to Elizabeth Fugate and another William Prater who was thought to be Jonathan Prater’s brother. Below the cut on Substack or available for download on Ko-Fi are their children and siblings.