Alicia Prater

About this Author

Credited as either Alicia M Prater, PhD or Alicia Prater

Dr. Prater received her PhD from the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences at New York Medical College in 2007. Her area of study was in Experimental Pathology. She taught graduate-level anatomy, physiology, and pathology while finishing her dissertation on the genetics underlying hypertension. She has spent two decades editing dissertations, theses, book chapters, web and packaging content, grants, presentations, and articles for non-native English speakers, as well as writing, editing, and fact-checking for online publishers.

In the last decade, she has extended her puzzle-solving and research skills to genealogical and lineage research, offering her own lineage in both books and online publications after the collation of numerous sources. She also edits, formats, and designs graphics for the books published by Aliconia Publishing.

Titles from this Author

My Lineage from the Roots Up – in 2 volumes

Cousins of Nunney Castle: Four Hundred Years of Praters

Coming Soon from this Author

Lincoln lineage book – name t.b.d.