Excerpts of the historical figures in Volume 1:
- Susannah Martin, witch of Salem
- Major John Mason, Conqueror of the Pequots
- Volga Germans, immigrants in the land of their birth
- Two William O’Durges and the Battle of Drogheda
- The Cross-Durkee’s family forbidden marriage
- The Arnold family of Rhode Island and a Revolutionary traitor
- The disgraced Joseph Aplin of Rhode Island
- Heresy and greed in Massachusetts Bay – Richard Carder
Click to expand list of Volume 1 surnames
Maertz * Demler * Rownes * Hackett * Marker * Ricketts * Bickerton * Corfield * Sitch * Lincoln * O’Neil * Aplin * Webb * Martin * North * Huntington * Gray * Arnold * Gully * Paine * Snow * Hopkins * Devotion * Fitch * Alger/Algore * Adams * Stone * Squire * Graves * Scott * Durkee * Cross * Jordan * Backus * Rockwell * Capen * Purchase * Barrett * Tillinghast * Rhodes * Smith * Doane * Taylor * Pond * Waterman * Mason * Pratt * Tracy * De la Spine * De Cocton/Coughton * Throckmorton * De Besford * De Harley * Olney * Bosum * Taber * Browne * Carder * Carpenter * Bangs * Wyllis * Shepard * Bourne * Peck * Clark * Masters * Haynes * Chambre * Charnould * Lawrence * Babbs * Waters * Leek * Harlakenden * Loudenoyes * Oxenbridge * Fienes * Battisford * Pepelsham * Holand * De Bouchier * Dacre * De Lovaine * De Hastings * Nevill * Stafford * Bassett * Corbet * De Clare * Marshal * De Beauchamp * Mauduit * Mortimer * Fitz-John * Bigod * Bowet * D’Ufford * Fitz-Hugh * Calcott * Hardres
Expanded lineages are available for:
Coming soon – Lincoln
Excerpts of the historical figures in Volume 2:
- Thomas Collins, Lost Melungeon Roots
- Bryant Collins, Murdered by Confederates
- The myth of Pocahontas’ daughter
Click to expand list of Volume 2 surnames
Prater * England * Holbrook * Collins * Adams (I/II) * Caudill * Williams * Yates * Hale * Sanders * Miller * Carpenter * Ward * Elliot * Foulke * Spradlin * Crager/Krieger * Kilgore * Clayton * Addington * Stone * Graves * Webb * Boone * Maugridge * Fugate * Mulliken * Clagett * Colbrand * Godden * Sprigg * Nuthall * Keene * Gorsuch * Quintyne * Ivye * Mapted * Lovelace * Barnes * Lewes * Hall * Aucher * Mallet * Kingston * Deandon and Punchardon * Sandys * Dixon * Roos * Plott * Garrard * Wrothe * Durant and de Plessis * Michell * Peckham * Cornwallis * Stanford * Butler and Meppershall * Tyrell * Pashley * De Normanville * Rich * St. Leger * Potyn * Wadham * Wilford * Cornu * Hawte * Shelving, Bourne, and Hougham * Periman and Dodisham * Lewkenor * Camoys * Louches * Gatesden * De Couen * De Moraunt * Apulderfield * Whettenhall * Hextall * Hewet, Bowles, and Rushall * Frowick * Sturgeon * De Durham * De Cornwall * De Gloucester * Lyffe and De Valletort * Cromer * Cantelowe * Squery * Dallingridge * Flambard * Stawell * Merton * Cotton * Hastings * Ralegh * Despenser * Fienes * Battisford * Peplesham * FitzRalph * Thornton * Sergeaux * Arundel * D’Oyly * Radingdon * Mucegros and de Dyves * Le Seneschal * Gastelin * De Beauchamp * Mortimer * De Montagu * De Grandison and Tregoz * De Columbers * De Chandos and d’Epaignes * De Penchester * Basset * De Warrene * De Marynes * Fitz-John * Bigod * Mauduit * De Vere * De Sanford * De Keynes * Huntingfield * Montfort * d’Aubigny * Ewias * De Clare * De Quincy * La Zouche * De Belmeis * De Beaumont * Marshal * De Bolebec * De Essex
Expanded lineages are available for:
Cousins of Nunney Castle: Four Hundred Years of Praters from England to Indiana (2023) available in ebook or paperback
Select lineages from both volumes are also available as PDFs at our store on Ko-Fi or in the GenTales Substack newsletter