

Books by AP Neal: Immortal Legacy (2019), The Cat Memoirs (2024, 14 episodes, Kindle Vella)

Religion and Spirituality

Zodiac Insights series by Imelda Bream (2024)


Science, Medicine, and Health

Just the Facts – Long-lasting Curricula

Gross Human Body – biweekly newsletter of everything you didn’t want to know about the human body


Genealogy, Lineage Research, and Family

Gen Tales

Cousins of Nunney Castle: Four Hundred Years of Praters from England to Indiana – available in ebook (or download a PDF, 57 pages). Also in paperback at Lulu.

Contents of Cousins of Nunney Castle: Four Hundred Years of Praters from England to Indiana

My Lineage from the Roots Up

Paperbacks are in black and white, ebooks have color photos. Read for free on Kindle Unlimited (see surname list or partial index)

vol 1 – Maertz-Rownes

vol 2 – Prater-England