New on Substack – A Paine to Link to the Mayflower

When working on my first lineage book, I ran across the line of Solomon Paine. The trail I followed led back to the Mayflower. However, when attempting to get verification from The Mayflower Society, I was told they didn’t have a record of the marriage I claimed so he’s a different Solomon Paine. Here’s the information and evidence I have. Maybe you can help me see what’s been missed.

New in Maeflowers on Medium

Why Breast Cancer Still Eludes a Cure

Breast cancer has been known, at least in the abstract, for thousands of years — though the theory of a hormonal underpinning has only been around for about 100 years. Over recent years, different genetic tests have been developed to catch cancer early, yet mammography still remains the gold standard for screening and early diagnosis. Each year, thousands of women and hundreds of men lose the battle against this disease.

Why haven’t we come farther in this fight?